
Home Ruby on Rails Development


Ruby on Rails Development

Our dynamic and agile RoR teams excel at delivering professionally designed web-based solutions in keeping with minimized project timelines and reduced project costs.

Solid Software Engineering Skills
Cbsystematics Development RoR teams extensively use Ruby metaprogramming techniques and have diverse experience implementing frameworks for interactions with third party services.

Intensive code review processes along with continuous integration enable us to create a code base that is easy to maintain, improve and customize.

Extensive Experience in Start-Up Environment
Cbsystematics Development has extensive experience in creating viable products on the market (MVP) to optimize cost and within record-breaking timelines.

Based on our proven outsourcing practices of product development, we deliver significant business value to tech startups, allowing them to get a quick grip of the market and dramatically increase the fundraising potential.

In-depth Domain Knowledge and Notable Delivery Background
We specialize in providing high-performance, scalable database-driven web applications, secure online services and back-ends for mobile solutions, scalable e-commerce platforms and solutions SaaS, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Rackspace implementations.


  • Languages and Frameworks
    Ruby 2.0+, JavaScript/CoffeeScript/SASS Ruby on Rails 4+
  • Databases
    MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle DB, Mongo DB, Redis, PostgreSQL
  • Tools
    Capistrano, Phusion, Passenger, Unicorn, Resque, RVM



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